Greetings. I am a 42 year old 3d modeler/sculptor who has for over a decade specialized in science fiction art for commissions and other side work. Work wise I am retired (medically) from the US Navy due to injuries during the Afghanistan war. I find it hard and at times painful to draw as both of my shoulders and chest were rebuilt. That said, I LOVE to draw and enjoy artwork immensely. One of my specialties is Blender 3d and I am hoping to take what I learn here and merge it with my current skillset to develop 2d Animated shorts in Blender.
Regardless if I ever do animation or not, I really want to learn to draw well enough to feel a measure of pride in my work. I tend to have a high standard for myself and due to that I can discourage myself from starting new things in some sort of fear of failure. This is going to be my art journey and I hope you all enjoy it as I know I will. Overcoming my fears in public forum if you will.
JRClemons (Sulabri)
Mar 14, '23
last reply
Mar 15, '23