Hi All,

I have been slowly working my way through term 1 a topic at a time.

Mainly looking for criticism of my Perspective stuff as well as some of the figure drawing.

This is my second attempt at the 1 point perspective assignment and would just like to see.

Also with the figure drawing I have been doing the 30 sec and 60 sec practices for a week now. Its still difficult to get the 30 second poses down but i feel im improving.

Also with the figure drawing I have been doing the 30 sec and 60 sec practices for a week now. Its still difficult to get the 30 second poses down but i feel im improving.

30 SEC - DAY 9

60 SEC DAY 9

Any pointers are welcome - I'm also in the discord group so if anyone wants to chat or anything you can find me on there as Alex*UNIT01

Hey all, really trying to get better at figure drawing using measuring - this one didnt take quite as long as my previous attempts and I had a good at shading it too. Let me know what you think?

I like how bold you were with the shadows, and for the most part the drawing is spot on. The main thing that sticks out to me is the width of the head is too wide. The angle of the hairline on the forehead is way off and I think it's throwing off the shape of the head. Also, the dark shadows are nice but there's too much contrast. You used the darkest shade in the reference photo, but they're only that dark because the clothes are a somewhat dark shade. In your painting the clothes are light even though the shadows are really dark. If you were going for a graphic look it would help to use sharper edges and not so much grey.
For the most part you really hit it with the angles and proportions. Hope this helps!

Thanks for that. For some reason I found the head the most challenging part of this. I totally get what your saying and its all good stuff to keep in mind. Because i'm on Term 1 I haven't seen the lesson on clothing yet, so this was really like dipping my toe into it.

Thanks again for having a look!

13 days later

Had another go at the perspective assignment. tried to do more curves in perspective (which was really really hard lo)

Any critique is very welcome. Think I'm going to move onto to the 2 point perspective assignment and then hopefully move onto term 2!!

8 days later

Final Assignment for term 1. My go at 2 point perspective. I've only taken a few buildings from my reference piece but kept in the some of the street detail, just to get a feel for working with 2 point perspective. Any criticism is welcome as always!

Thansk again


1 year later