Hi everyone, my name is David.
I'm a hobbyist artist. I been drawing for a while, been mostly drawing in Clip Studio Paint, but I've been kinda stuck lately, and work has been really digging into my time to focus on my drawing. So I decided that it a new year and my new resolution for the year is to improve my artwork and I've signed up to this class hoping it will help. I saw that this was also a great opportunity to learn how to use Photoshop also as I've been wanting to try it out.
Anyway I completed to first couple of assignment and will put them up here.

Well here the first one, need more practice with the circle. (Circle are always real difficult to get right.) and need to practice more with smoother lines. Photoshop has smoothing now but it feel a bit weird like it a little laggy compared to other smoothing option on in other drawing program. Just need to get use to it and find the level that right for me.

Here the second assignment, It started real simple, changing the hue for the dots, and working with curves/level on the black on white was very simple. But the second coloured pic for the curves/level took a while. Even though i got the colour close to what it sould be, the shadow are darker then they should be and I could not lighten the shadow.
The last picture in the assignment also took a long while and is really difficult and it still not correct. (The sea, sand, and legs in the light are all the wrong colour) I done the best I can and get the image as close to the other as I can get. I would like to return to it one day in the future and see if I can get it right again.

That all for now, I look forward to the rest of the class and will be uploading more assignment from Term 1 here in the future.

Assignment 3 - Combine Images

Here is assignment 3, I've enjoyed working on this one. May have went with a fantasy idea, but my dream home will be guarded by sea serpent and alien tripod. While I had fun there was a point of frustration when the program crashed and I lost a bit or work. Had to start large section of it all over again.

The most difficult bit to work on was the castle. The problem was, in the original image, the light was hitting the front of the castle, but the image I used for the background the light was coming from the opposite direction. When I added the castle and flipped it horizontal so the bridge meet the island, the light and the shadow on the castle were all in the wrong place. Took me a while to figure out how to get the castle shadow and light to match the background. The shadow on castle could still be a bit darker, but I spent too long working on this one already.

Assignment 4 - Selection, Liquify, Heal Stamp.

I've completed assignment 4 now. I've enjoyed working on this one, particularly the Liquify part as I've never done something like it before so it was fun giving that a go. It also gave me some fun ideas that I want to try with my own photos to make into a project. :smile:

So all assignment are now completed for the first lesson. I'm looking forward to working on the next lot of video.

2 months later

Hi all, it been a while. I been busy working and completing Term 1. Anyway I already started on Term 2 and realized that I forgot to upload the rest of Term 1, so here they are.

Here are some of my figure skeleton practice. It was simple and straight forward.

Here is the male and female proportion, this one was also simple, just had to commit it to memory. Been doing this multiple times for practice.

Here are some of the gesture drawing. I'll admit this one I do not enjoy doing. I was really bad at first, hand cramped up a lot at first just trying to get it done fast. (Doesn't cramp up so much now.) and I'm not happy with the way the gestures look, it just a mess. There are some days where they look barely OK, and other day real bad. I'm just no good at this real rushed sketch as I usually like to take my time with drawing. I'm still practicing but it getting more difficult to commit myself to continue with this exercise.
If anyone can give me any advice for the gesture drawing, I would greatly appreciate it. I really want to improve it.

Here the final exercise, the measuring proportion. Fairly simple and straightforward. My measuring by eye and pen was slightly off at first, but I have been improving. I need to do more of these practice.

Anyway that all there is for the Figure Drawing assingment. Any advice you can give me, particularly for gesture drawing, will be greatly appreciated.

Looking at gestures, the idea is to refine your eye so that you are just seeing how the body is weighted and communicate what its doing quickly. But the only really solid advice that I see is to limit the number of lines you draw, and keep on practicing.

Remember its a practice and warm up technique for you to get better with proportions and stances, if you think about it as practice and not a final image of any sort it might help you loosen up.

gl, keep at it!

Thank you Peter for the advice. :grinning: It is true I keep of thinking more of final image instead of it as practice. Also yeah I need to reduce the number of lines I draw, I just keep hesitating and thinking too much about it. Also hard trying not to use the erase. Reflexes.

Well here the final assignment for Term 1, Perspective.
This one was a lot of fun to do, I've never done anything like this one before, I really took my time with this one. All my other drawing in the past have just been very simple background or setting, so doing something this detailed I really enjoyed. I did have a chair next to the desk with the computer but it wasn't looking right so I removed it.
I want to work more on perspective drawing, particularly on doing a 2 point and a 3 point perspective drawing. I saw in term 2 that there more perspective classes so maybe we do more there. :grinning: I plan to colour this in, maybe tidy it up a bit and insert a character in the future once I do a few more classes and more comfortable with my skills. Long term future project.

Anyway that all for now here. I might in the future add more gesture and figure drawing in here so I can see and compare the progress I make in that.

24 days later

Hello everyone, well here I was thinking I was done with this forum thread, but I realized afterward that I never completed and uploaded the 2 point perspective portion of the assignment. After realizing I was about to start the assignment for the 3 point perspective, I've decided that I will first complete and upload the 2 point perspective. So here it is.

It is no where near the level of detail as I have done with the 1 point perspective, but I didn't want to spend too long working on this assignment as I wanted to get started on the 3 point as soon as possible. Because of that there are a few things here that I'm not completely happy with, like the windows being too large on the building ( I wanted large window but looking at it now, it seem too large) and the umbrellas on the roof of the cafe looking a bit weird. If there are anything else that you feel look a bit off, please let me know. :smile:

That all for now. I'll be working on the assignment for Term 2 now.

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