Hello. My name is Jus I come from Slovenia and I am currently employed as a front-end developer and graphics designer, but before that I was a freelance 3D artist. I am also finishing my masters in computer science. I wanted to study Animation but there are no animation schools in our country and my family couldn't afford to send me abroad and at the time, my main interest was 3D so I went to a computer science university. My focus changed to 2D over time, but haven't found the time pursue it. But I hope to do so now :smile:.

I will use this topic to submit my solutions of assignments. I am looking forward to your feedback and critique. I hope we will be able to improve together. :smile:

What did you use to get those straight lines?

I did them by hand. But my digitizer may be a bit low res so the lines didn't move much.

Maybe a tip would be to look more where you want the line to go not where the line currently is. At least that's how I normally do it.

I also like to rotate the image in a comfortable position so its easier to make a clean stroke.

You can rotate the image in photoshop when holding the "R" key.

I didn't think of that! And I had used that function before XD Thanks, that's awesome :smile:


This assignment was pretty fun. I liked seeing what everyone came up with. So this is mine and I would love to hear your feedback.

Nice, I like the castle, a simple composition easily conveying the concept. and the colors all appear right to the eye.

And yeah, does just look like the digitizer has a really low resolution, but I would argue that getting that instant feedback of seeing the pixel jump might even be useful!

I think I am gonna redo the exercise zoomed in a bit more or maybe just print out the assignment sheet.

I agree that a bunch came out really good.

I would thing about putting a little more weight to the legs in the later images, I am having a hard time telling if the proportions are right, but they are looking small compaed with the reference photos.

Otherwise good stuff. Any progress with the pen digitizer situation?