Hello. My name is Jus I come from Slovenia and I am currently employed as a front-end developer and graphics designer, but before that I was a freelance 3D artist. I am also finishing my masters in computer science. I wanted to study Animation but there are no animation schools in our country and my family couldn't afford to send me abroad and at the time, my main interest was 3D so I went to a computer science university. My focus changed to 2D over time, but haven't found the time pursue it. But I hope to do so now :smile:.

I will use this topic to submit my solutions of assignments. I am looking forward to your feedback and critique. I hope we will be able to improve together. :smile:

What did you use to get those straight lines?

I did them by hand. But my digitizer may be a bit low res so the lines didn't move much.

Maybe a tip would be to look more where you want the line to go not where the line currently is. At least that's how I normally do it.

I also like to rotate the image in a comfortable position so its easier to make a clean stroke.

You can rotate the image in photoshop when holding the "R" key.

I didn't think of that! And I had used that function before XD Thanks, that's awesome :smile:


This assignment was pretty fun. I liked seeing what everyone came up with. So this is mine and I would love to hear your feedback.

Nice, I like the castle, a simple composition easily conveying the concept. and the colors all appear right to the eye.

And yeah, does just look like the digitizer has a really low resolution, but I would argue that getting that instant feedback of seeing the pixel jump might even be useful!

I think I am gonna redo the exercise zoomed in a bit more or maybe just print out the assignment sheet.

I agree that a bunch came out really good.

I would thing about putting a little more weight to the legs in the later images, I am having a hard time telling if the proportions are right, but they are looking small compaed with the reference photos.

Otherwise good stuff. Any progress with the pen digitizer situation?

@peter-hartnett I did the 1. part of the exercise this time zoomed in a bit. And I think the result is a bit more indicative:

This time I was also trying to do more of a stroke motion, while the first time I kind of slowly moved from one point to the other. I also noticed that sometimes I didn't press the stylus perpendicularly to the screen, which caused my stroke to stray in the start. Instead of this exercise I was doing cylinders in perspective in my sketchbook, but I really should do them on the display tablet just to get more of a feel for drawing on it.

Btw I use the Ugee 2150 pen display. The display is fine and until now I never felt that the resolution was lacking. I does however have some driver issues with some programs (krita version 3+).
If I were buying a display now (and didn't have the money for a cintiq :smile: ), I would buy the Huion GT-221 Pro. I haven't heard anything bad about the display and the drivers look great. The allow to set any macro to the express buttons even running batch programs. It even has a drag bar.

Yea you're right I also thought it's hard to see the proportions. I was thinking of placing the reference and figure side to side and to the trace on the figure just to compare.

Good start, i like you sky castle concept really nice cloud image. Getting good images and images that feel like they can work together is like 80% of the battle i think.

Keep working on your 3d volumes and structure and I really recommend studying the pose analysis like in Marcs videos, line of action , joints, boxes etc.

Try to make clean lines and be loose with your arm, don't use too much wrist. I think you are starting to get that with what you said in your last post. keep it up.

Thanks for the feedback @introspection_ . I really need to do the cylinder exercise, because I don't think before I actually do the line, it will also help me with circles. In the following image I tried to be more deliberate when making strokes.
Did the figures also on the actual references:

All the little mistakes become really apparent when you put the images side-by-side. I need to pay more attention to the distance between the pelvis and the ribcage, and their individual poses. But generally I think the results aren't too bad.

Now I will concentrate on improving my line. I feel like it's going to bite me in the :peach: later if I don't work on it now.

@jlozej That castle assignment is gorgeous, looking amazing! I see your figures are improving as well. Good to do both the figures on the models and copy it seperately.. Great way to check your own version of it! As per feedback I'd say just keep doing these and practice with getting that dexterity with your pencil! Good luck =)

Good stuff, jlozej. And I have heard pretty good things about the huion products as well. Appears that wacom is finally getting some real competition!

9 days later

A figure drawing i did for assignment 7:

I messed up the positioning of the of the pelvis relative to the body. It should have been placed somewhere below the head.

I also used this exercise to do a value study. One mistake that I did is that I used a brush that blends which caused me to lose site of the values I was using. Will definitely redo this exercise, with a prepared palette of values.

In the meanwhile I have been doing the gesture drawing exercies. They are pretty hard, but I think it is a very valuable exercise. It forces me to think before making a line.

@jlozej I like your latest drawing. Its a tough exercise and doing it often is going to benefit your observational skills so much. I like how you reflect on your own work and see the benefits of practicing it. I'm also struggling with this assignment, but gotta keep working ey =) Keep it up, love to see more of your work!