Hi everyone, looking forward to improve along side of you.

It´s quite a while since term 1 started and basically the whole time i fought with myself to start posting stuff.
But Art school is a learning community and getting critique from other people is very important to improve faster and better. So today finally the more rational side won and i´m going to start post my progress.
Sadly i noticed that my past self not only didn´t want to post stuff, he also didn´t save all of the, already not that many, practise sessions i did.

So i will post the Term 1 leftovers and the newly created pieces here. While i already watched the Term 2 and 3 lectures and did some of the assignments, this stuff is so fundamental, that i wont do them a few times and then move on forever. I will also still do them in the future.

2 - Image Adjustments

the first color exercise went quite well, the bottom right one was more off then i thought.

The second made me want to go there and see the place for myself :stuck_out_tongue:

In the third i´m not that happy with the colors, but it just went worse trying to improve it further.

The fruit exercise seems to me close enough at the moment.

The last one was supposed to be the hardest and well.... it archived it. I just didn´t managed to get the sky unsaturated while having the skin color on the legs that strong in color. Also the legs aren´t orange enough and the torso is too violet and both aren´t saturated enough.
The exercise was meant to do it without selections or?

gesture exercises
not focusing on anatomy at all, still looking back at thous now..... some of them are just looking very unhealthy.....
And i should either just block the hair very rough or don´t at all in those 30s drawings.

Glad you decided to start posting i am exited to see more of your stuff

Something different, wanted to do a speedpainting.
I decided to paint a landscape (i did only one or two before, looking forward to your advise) and the same scene in different seasons, which is also something new for me.

I gave myself 30 min to see what i can do in such a, for me, very short time. Also i may should have looked up some references before....

Spring: first version i did

The two big problems i have with this one, is the boring composition and the colours.
I did the different seasons in the same scene, so the composition wont change.
The eye needs resting places, but i have the feeling that the whole right side is a big resting place, without an interesting focus point to compensate.

About the colours, i think they are too saturated?
The difference between the hill in front and one step back to the right isn´t big enough, same for the forest and the hill which is farthest away.

winter: second one, was faster because the layout was already there.

Need to practice painting trees without leaves......
I don´t like the edge between the forest and the second hill in front of it, it looks too sharp.
Also the snowflakes are to big and are completely lost on the hills.
But i kinda like the snow pattern and the thinner snow around the tree and stone.

summer: third and last til now

i get more like a savanna feeling looking at this, think should be less yellowish and a stronger light? i don´t really feel the warmth neither of the summer nor the savanna.

Looking forward to your advise on the composition and the colour choices.
On an "epic" landscape i think i would find a strong focus point and more interesting view, but in such a "normal" scene, i´m not so sure. Maybe with a more interesting light setting, which didn´t fit into my 30 min cap.

Planning on doing the autumn also on this one and then, maybe in another scene, different daytime's and weather.

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