Hello, Art School!

My name is Chris and I'll be 30 next month. I've been an on-again, off-again digital art hobbyist since I was a teenager, and I've dreamed of being a professional artist for games or films for longer than that.

Recently my living situation has changed, which has allowed me to pursue my dream full-time. Traditional school was way too expensive for me, so once I learned about Art School I decided to give it a shot and purchase the first Term as a sort of trial period.

I hope to get to know everybody and become a part of this community of driven, creative individuals.

Here are my assignments for Photoshop for Digital Production 1.

No matter how many times I practice, tracing circles and ellipses are still difficult. I'm a bit better at doing it quickly, but slowing down and trying to match something is a bear.

Photo manipulation is something that I have a little experience with, but I learned a couple of new things doing these. I had never really used the liquify filter before now, for example.

These were surprisingly fun, with the exception of the Mei one. I wrestled with that one for awhile and it's still not quite right. I'll give it another go tomorrow.

Photo collage! An interesting exercise with an activity that I've not really done extensively. I could see how it would be useful for quick concepts or matte painting. The castle doesn't sit quite right in the picture, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Hey Chris, Good luck with this journey.

Ive just turned 30 and tackling Art School! I really want to be a concept artist!

Again, Goodluck with Art Schhol!!! :grinning: