Hello there and welcome to my little presentation. Even tho I am doing my daily 30 minutes practice with 30-60s gestures, I am doing this more privately. So I will show you a 1-point perspective practice and the general Photoshop assignments.

1-point perspective - Even tho some of the environment might not be realistic, it's in the end more important, that I understood how it's done. As shown I tried to get some props in a other perspective than the 1-point, to get a more untidy look. In the end I have no clue if I got the perspective of these objects right xD I also tried to coloring it but it got a bit too rough for my taste.

Combining Images - I am quite familiar with using different tools in Photoshop and the process of combining pictures. Sometimes it's hard, if the images ends up having different sources of light. I think that kinda 'ruined' the result for me. In the end I used some Color Lookups to get a colorpattern of old photos and create a kind of dark atmosphere.

SelectionsLiquifyHealStamp - The last one was enjoyable, because I didn't used these tools in that matter in the past. I think the pictures itself are giving enough informations, but in the case of the liquify practice I used the stamp-tools to get some texture back afterwards. The transformation got kinda to it's limits to do it by itself.

I like the perspective image that you made, but I am personally quite fond of a bit of a rough appearance to drawings.

My only comment would be that the ice machine looks quite huge for the setting, but of course it could just be a very large ice machine so that is more of a personal choice thing.