Hi all, I'm back for Term 2, excited to get this all started. To start of with I upload the first part of the Photoshop assignment, the Graphic Design assignment.
I never really done anything with vector graphic before, I've seen it and fooled around with it but I had no understanding about it use or how it work. Thank to this course I now have a stronger understanding about it. Here is the logo I created, I try to give it a more of a green slime look from a old horror movie.

The second is the character design using vector, I've created 2. The slime monster I was inspired by the logo as I try to continue the theme of it. However I did have to add a few extra brush stroke for the shading and lighting of the slime as I couldn't get the effect I wanted in the layer style. The second creature (guy in barrel) was made with no extra brush stroke just vector, gradient and a few layer style.

The final one is the box art one, Grabbed a few images from the net to make the box, I did not do the drawing of the haunted house, all credit for the artwork goes to an artist called Kayla Ascencio. I just try to keep it with the theme that I done with the work so far.

That all for now, I be uploading future project here at a later date. Anything you may have noticed or any advice you can give will be greatly appreciated.

15 days later

Hello everyone. Here is the other half of the first assignment for Photoshop for digital production, I completed these a while ago, but kinda forgot to upload these and was focusing on other assignment that I feel needed to be done.

Here is a few random 3D shape with some shading. Nohing much to say about them. Rather simple and easy to understand.

Here is my attempt at making my own brush. This was quite interesting as I never created my own brush before and I wanted to learn how to do so. The only problem I had was with the first part of the brush stroke, sometime it would start of in a random direction before it finally straightened out. You can sort of see it happen in the first fence, many time it would be even more crooked. I had to redraw it quite a few time till it finally straightened out.

This one I enjoyed quite a bit. When I started drawing, I could never get blending right and only really done it with just the smudge and a soft brush. But with this course I learned quite a bit. I even had fun mixing the hard brush blend and enjoyed the way it looks. I plan to use this method more in all my future drawing.

Anyway that all for now, if you feel there is anything you need to add or any constructive criticism you wish to tell me, please let me know. :smile: The next upload in the future will be the Perspective assignment.

3 months later

Hello everyone, it been a while. Been falling behind in my work. Anyway I'll be uploading the perspective assignment here. Any criticism or advice you can give me will be greatly appreciated. I'll start with the 3 point perspective project.

At first I had no idea what I can do as my own for a 3 pt project, was having a bit of an art block. So I just decided to do the drawing that was shown with in the video as practice. Here it is in the image below.

After that was done, I still felt that I needed to do a drawing using 3 pt perspective of my own. Took me quite a while but I was eventually able to complete my own drawing of a city. Was inspired to draw a city after paying Batman games, so I decided to draw my own version of Gotham City. It took a long time drawing this, as I was really having a hard time with scales, particuarly with the windows. Also trying to make each building look different, but trying to avoid modern looking building. Had to research and reference different building design. So yeah it was quite a project.

After that was done, I moved onto 4 pt perspective, as seen below. It wasn't too hard working on this one, the difficult part was the head and the feet. Just trying to make sure that it look correct and in proportion. I also been practicing on working on the female variant, however it ends up looking too male and need more practice to make it look more female. I hope to upload a female variant sometime in the future.

That all there is at the moment, I am currently working on anatomy at the moment and hope to upload some of it up very soon. As always any advice you can give me on the images above or about drawing in general will be greatly appreciated.

7 months later

Ok it been a long time since I last posted in here, but I have been working on my drawing, just been lazy with the upload. Been working a lot on face anatomy and clothes. For now I'll upload work related to face anatomy.
The first is volume perspective, here are some of the work I've done on here.

I also been working on circles practice. Making sure I get a circle to look right. Below are a few example of the practice.

I been practicing in getting the head shape and proportion right, Im glad to see that it has been improving over time.

I also been practicing on individual part of the face like nose and ears (they're the ones I have the most problem with).

Finally we have the anatomy of the head now completed. Although it very rough, it has inspired me to do more work on portraits and I been drawing multiple portrait project. It has been very hard, but I've been having loads of fun. I might upload a few of the project here. in the forums.

That term 2 done, now onto term 3.

These are amazing! :smiley: I just wanted to ask on whether did you use a reference for your perspective drawing of your own Gotham City?

Not really many reference used for that, I looked at different building design so I can come up with idea to make each building look different from each other. Example is the theater building loosely based on another theater I once visited.