Few noses and some ears. I am finding the noses take up the most time and seem the most difficult, but then again my previous lips were pretty horrible, so that will probably be worse.

Yay! I like this head, I think its the first one I've drawn without a reference that I don't hate!

This makes me quite happy, and its the reason I started up this course, yays!

Now I could really do with someone knocking my ass down and pointing out issues for me! Pointing em out helps a ton and I always appreciate it. Thanks!

Figure in 4point perspective. Fun exercise, really messes with the head. I tried to look at a model to get the line of the chin right, but it just dosn't seem to work.

Working on perspective, messed around with things during the day and settled on this layout, just need to work at it now.

The scale images are fishing, wee!

More face work, trying to do female heads atm, lots of staring at pictures and trying to figure out the better volumes for a woman, I think its working.

Also I managed to remember that I have a soft round brush and even a smudge tool today. Oh what fun!

Just because its silly and it made some people happy.

A Chemist friend of mine was annoyed by the pretentious use of the term Aliquot in her lab. All it means is "a part of a whole" ... so you know, you could use all sorts of normal terms instead, one of those words that is really only used to make you sound smarter, or other people feel dumb.

Anyways, all I could think of was an Ali-Kwat (Alicorn - Kumquat ... I have daughters, my little pony is on in my house a ton)

So AliKwat! The girls all want it in a game or story book now.

Of course they all like a quick 2 minute doodle more than most anything else I have done.

Attempting to take the information that Marc provided in the last stream and still maintain the original head rotation in the image. Original on the left, Marc's Markup in the middle, adapted image on the right.

Any thoughts?

I didn't watch that stream I think, but from what I can see, I think your las one is better than your first, but the placement of the ear still feels a little bit wrong, Marc put it a little back, but he rotated the entire head, so you put it back too, but you left the head still in side view, so I think you rotated the fron of the head, or move the ear more to the front again...

Agreed, it does look off like this. I shift it around a bit and see what looks more right.