Hey guys, I haven't really shared this so here it goes!
I've been developing this on the side for a while and there's a whole back story to it.
The basic backbone is that these creatures exist before men walked the earth. The creator (calling it creator as I don't feel like tapping into any religion related topics) gave them extraordinary abilities and intelligence but they ended up fighting each other. Soon the creator brought an end to it all and splitted these powerful creatures into smaller pieces and they became the animals that we see today. The creator then brought humans to life, kept them without sharp teeth and claws, special abilities and only left them intelligence hoping they will never walk the same path.....
Now that the story is outta the way, here are a couple characters I've developed so far!
Takunah the Griffon. He is the symbol of bravery amongst all the Griffon warriors. He has a tail of a dragon with poisonous spike at the tail end like no others. It is said that the dragon tail could be the source of his mysterious strength and the ability to summon fire element at will. Despite the magical ability, his most loved weapon is a single handed sword axe that is made of the purest of black stones found in the mountain ranges next to the Griffon prairies.
General Pethuk, as you can visibly observe in his appearance. He's sly and cunning. As the general of the legendary Leviathan race, water battle is second nature to them while also being excellent soldiers on land. However, Leviathans lack the immense strength like the Griffons or Chimera so Pethuk's weapons, though seem heavy, is best utilized in water. The hooks and spikes are used to secure their prey once a blow lands. Their strong jaws can then rip the enemy apart easily. For those reasons, Leviathan troops often employ the ambush strategy and the element of surprise.
Krima the Chimera. His name has the meaning of judgement, with the brilliant mind of a jaguar, the calm and peacefulness of a magnificent elk, the power of a gorilla and rhino, and finally the viciousness and poison of a cobra, he delivers the blow of judgement to his enemies and keep safe those who are innocent.
Sorry for the long post! Hope you enjoy what you see!
Feb 23, '18
last reply
Apr 2, '18