I've finally made my way to Artstation
Here's the English cover for my comic:
I've finally made my way to Artstation
Here's the English cover for my comic:
1 month later
I'm sorry for the radio silence these past weeks. I minimized most of distractions and worked hard on completing the book. I'm delighted to announce that all pages have been coloured, the texts are being edited, the cover has been finalized and almost the whole book has been prepared for print... Those are good news, right?
26 days later
I'm happy to announce that my comic project is nearing completion after two years in the making! The Owl Tribe is a history-based adventure story with fantastic elements. Set in pre-columbian America, it tracks the story of a native-raised Viking encountering whole lot of problems - some violent, some not
With all 56 pages drawn and colored and the text being edited, I'm prepping for the KickStarter launch next month.
If you feel like that's a book that might interest you and missing it would be too bad, please consider signing up to my newsletter HERE or via Facebook!
And here's some recent art
Here's a poster I've made recently - it will be a reward in the upcoming crowdfunding. Join TheOwlTribe here https://goo.gl/AFyWEY so you don't miss it
Check out the process video here: https://youtu.be/8468Uav3iDw
13 days later
Well, TheOwlTribe is about to be released in French. Here's a quick flip-through of the pre-print copy:
I'm working on prepping the KS campaign now so it's a busy time. If you'd like to keep your finger on the pulse, sign up here.
I'm nowhere near the level I want to be at to start, I'm still getting used to my tablet .. so it won't be very soon
Can you recommend any tutorials/technique exercises or anything helpful when making comics and graphic novels? I was only able to find one useful course on pluralsight.com
And another thing, are you working on this alone? I mean, doing the art and the storyboard as well?
Yup, I do it all alone, from rough sketches to finished book. There are some stages that I do very roughly, like storyboards, for example - mine are very rudimentary. Some things I don't do at all - like inking. I put color over my pencilled pages enhanced in Photoshop.
As for tutorials, I didn't really use any... but I recommend two books that I found absolutely brilliant and very helpful: Making Comics by Scott McCloud and Framed Ink by Marcos Mateu-Mestre
2 months later
It has finally started! The funding for TheOwlTribe English version is live.
Full color graphic novel and additional content totalling at 100 pages. Check it out and share the news
While book 1 is being crowdfunded, I'm already working on book 2!
Here's a flip-through of the printed book 1 of The Owl Tribe. I hope you'll like it.
You can support the print run here: http://kck.st/2u3tXnk