January 3rd 2022: Pen control and Image adjustment
I wanted to focus on all the assignments I'm given though I was mainly after improving myu drawing skills I've been fascinated with the editing functions on Photoshop and aim to tackle all subjects given.
Liking the vidoes so far and this assignment was a good way to judge my current level of pen control.
Still not great with circles or pen pressure but now I have a good base to keep practicing with photoshop brushes are interesting gonna need a bit of time to learn how to tweak them.
-Image adjustment-

Image Adjustment was a lot of fun though this took me a while to work on the pictures (40 min) as I reworked many of the adjustments when they were off, I really enjoyed this one and would like any tips to getting a better result for the last image as it really threw me for a loop.
Looking forward to the next assignment!