Hi! Welcome to the forums 
So, I think that it's a cool character, but I do notice a few things you could change to hopefully improve him.
The first thing that I noticed was how the perspective of your character was a bit strange in a few places, like on his left leg and horn

So after correcting that, I felt like the shoulder pads could use a little bit more room. right now they felt really tight and it seemed to me like it would make ii difficult for him to move his arms

Finally, judging from your character cast shadow (which is fairly well defined, implying a strong light) I think you could push your lighting even more with stronger shadows and maybe some stronger highlights spots.

Also I will say that I'm not sure how I feel about the axe. I feel like the sharp points, the jagged edge and the bright yellow and red doesn't quite fit with the rest of the character's design. I feel like it clash too much with everything else you have, but maybe it was your intention. I don't know, maybe it's just me though 
And finally, since he seems like he is a fighter, maybe having some cracks or dents in the armor could be interesting. It could give us an idea that he's been in some tough fights. Oh and maybe having a background that's a bit less ambiguous could be nice, even if it's something simple. Just something to help ground him more in the drawing.
So overall, I think you did good with this guy. Other than what I said about the axe, I think the colors are well balanced and you have a good base to expand on.
I hope this was helpful