Hey everyone! (I know the text included is long, but please read it before you proceed to the images )
I am a beginner digital artist and this is my first post here in WIP. I would like to share with you guys my progress on this new piece that I sketched yesterday and thought that it is an interesting idea, which maybe could also be interesting for some of you guys. Also as I am a beginner I have hard times to see mistakes or possible improvements as I go, so any kind of feedback from more experienced artists during my process would be highly apprechiated and that's also why I have decided to start this WIP topic.
That being said, now to the painting itself...
I knew I wanted to paint a dragon, but as I searched through references, I've realized, that dragons are in like 95% of cases pictured as evil or mindless beasts breathing fire, destroying things or killing everyone in their way. Therefore I've decided, that I want it differently and my intention is to paint a dragon with deep feelings, which would be readable on the first sight of the painting. How will I achieve it? I don't know yet, but I kinda like challenges and am looking forward to working on this.
Let me know what do you guys think! (bad idea?, good idea?, tips?) Thanks!
STAGE 1 - Thumbnail with a little detail and trying to figure out good values and shapes
Nov 13, '16
last reply
Nov 20, '16