Um, hello everyone, I'm Yeoreum a 16 year old artist that is trying their best to improve.
I just bought Art School, despite having really hard conditions because I believe that if I can hone my skill at a young age I can grow up and become a great artist.

I don't know what I'm quite doing but I'll try my best to keep this updated, frankly I'm scared but I'm sure that once I work hard enough I'll succeed.

Part of me regrets not buying it earlier during the year, because I was so free and school's coming up, but eh better late than never I suppose.

I only have a twitter at the moment, I might need to make some other kind of social media if I really want to get a good following because it will help with commissions and such.. anyhow here is said twitter, apologies for rambling.

Can't wait to take part in this!

Ok so I'm going through the first two lessons, and I have this weird habit of doodling while Marc explains stuff, I don't know why but I can't keep my hands still.

Here are some skeletons and cylinders I did as he explained them.

Hello Yeoreum and welcome to Art School. Believe me, most of us here are regretting we didn't purchase this earlier. I saw the program 2 years ago, and it took a COVID apocalypse and a job lay off for me to purchase the course. I guess some need a harder kick in the right direction than others :joy:

It's great to start so young, I'm extremely jealous. Please keep posting your assignments so we all can watch you grow and give you tips along the way. Also, there's a Student Info List on the forum, where people exchange their social media accounts. Might be a good idea for you to post your info there and follow some people as well.
Anyways, looking forward to seeing you grow.

@WeirdOwl LOL, I feel you.

I'll try my best to keep it updated, I also want to see how much I have changed by the end of this, I've been dead set on trying to improve recently.

I'll make sure to post my information on the Student Info List like you said!

some doodles i created, i also dont know how to make a grid in csp so i just used my imagination/eyes to gauge where everything was for the proportions thingy.

im having too much fun putting random skeletons in poses, i still dont know if these count as gesture drawings but yes yes i like it.

Welcome to ART School. Looking forward to see more art from you. :smiley:

Here's the first assignments that I forgot to do, I got carried away with the nude figure drawing class, I'm still halfway through that lesson, everything is sO CHAOTIC.

I tried my best to replicate stuff with CSP, but it's so weird I couldn't get some colors to blend properly in the Mei image.

I also made the tracing thing harder on myself for no reason by using a small brush. :blush:

I worked on actual gesture drawings for the first time today, these are some 30s ones, I've always wanted to do gesture drawings although I don't think I am that great at it.

Tried a different way to do gesture drawings more, idk which one I like more, I feel like yesterday's was better.

I also redid some of them that I didn't like.

I went ahead and messed around with painting while marc explained it in the background, I really cant sit still without doing something. I messed around with a random blob and decided to fully shade it and add bounce light for no reason, This is my first time actually painting something, I've always wanted to try it.

I finished Perspective 1, I feel like I understood it well, CSP also has a perspective ruler that helps so I might breeze through the perspective assignments when I actually decide to do them.

Just some quick scribbles at the beginning of the anatomy lesson to see if I can pull off the 3 skills, I feel like I have a grasp at this.

I got bored and I wanted to work on more dynamic poses so I randomly scribbled something.

I also drew some ears as Marc explained them, they're pretty nice and easy to draw!

I wanted to try that thing were people paint like a general idea of a landscape and i wanted to include some perspective so I made this.

I need to work on gesture drawings again.. anyways, the new lady gaga music video and I really loved the medic's outfit so I drew her! I also wanted to go for a heavily stylized drawing, so I tried messing around with some proportions like the eyes and such!

Here she is so far, I think I want to finish her before actually going back to doing work! I really love how detailed she is, I forgot the elipse tool was a thing so I spent 5 hours drawing circles and I actually felt like crying.

This might be me jumping the gun, I'm still on the face anatomy but I wanted to study muscles so I'm just dropping this here, I still didn't see Anatomy 2 but I guess I got excited.

The big one with legs is the one without references.