Hey, I have some questions I am wondering on. What is the minimum requirement expectation from the "Nude Figure Drawing - Assignments"? Should the daily task gradually be worked over the points until you can manage to do the whole thing per day or do I have to grasp the whole thing all at once? I notice it takes a lot of time if I try to do it slow and steady (correcting on things) so should I try do it more roughly.

I see there has come an updated version with "Perspective" and "Visual Communication" too. Any advice on how I should tackle the assignments in the best way possible? I can manage to get in about 5 hours work every day (including breaks).

Of course this is all just personal opinion but it's ok to be loose with your drawings. keeping it loose can put a lot of energy in your drawings. One thing I do in my practices that seem to help me is I use a pen or something where I can't erase or undo so easily. It helps me learn that it's ok to make mistakes and forces me to commit to my drawing. if I mess up that's fine! try again! it's impossible to get worse with practice :smile:

Yeah I haven't gone through the Gesturedrawing! program yet which is good for action lines and energy poses (if longer time stamp you can fill in more to the figures). I have some photos from MarcusRanum photo stock, but many of the pictures have clothes which make it somewhat harder. :sweat_smile:

Just now I work on cylinders for reference photo, but I am not sure about I get everything done in the assignment for the day, we are supposed to master it down or be very good at it until next term.