This is a WIP study of an older portait by Marc. I was having a hard time with how to get faces in the right "position" or pose so I decided to copy his "Daydream" portrait off his art station. I chose that one to copy since the piece really focused in on the facial features with little to no background content to distract from the figure itself. I also tried to rely less on line art and use large brush size to block out shapes. I did take liberties with the hair since I wanted to stay engaged.
Anything that could help me get some new insight on making this portrait more like his original "flavor" would be appreciated. I did not spend too long on it but I decided to stop and ask for guidance because I started down the bottomless rabbit hole of rending skin and I find myself wasting a lot of time for sub-par results. I've been sticking with a soft round so there's quite a bit of this plastic feel which maybe someone can comment on techniques or solutions.
I always get stuck at this post-base color phase and want to make sure I'm not missing the whole point of the portrait. I feel like the portraits never really get past this stage and into the "polish" or "final touch" because there is a strong weakness (or multiple) or lack of something (if its fundamental anatomy, etc, please point out the shortcomings specifically, I can notice a few but please let me know). Any advice/pointers appreciated.
I also linked his original:
Jul 24, '19
last reply
Aug 4, '19