Welcome to the community, I hope you'll have a lot of fun 😄

Hi, so here comes my first upload. I have done some assignments for the first term. I struggle a lot to fit gestures into the time limit. 30s gesture feels like too little to even keep track of what am I drawing! So far I have been doing some "quick" ones some mid-time, and some long-time ones. Below are some gestures attached. Any tips/ ways to improve would be much appreciated!

45-1 minute gesture

Long - 1 -4 minute gesture

Welcome to the forums! Keep up the work on these gestures you are off to a good start! I look forward to seeing your progress!

Thanks! I will upload some more gestures later, for now, I have been working on perspective projects for some variety!

Here is the room from one point perspective. I feel like I should have put more detail into it as it feels a bit empty. Maybe it is a composition problem?
I feel the greatest challenge was putting all the items on the shelf in perspective like books and all figures. And windows.
Altogether I feel (hope) the perspective holds and my other skills or rather lack of them mostly bother me with this one
Please let me know if those need any corrections! Xx

It could be composition but the details you do have are already creating a good amount of mood I think. The first thing I'd try is reducing the weight of the lines in the very back and increasing it for the things on the desk, that should help the detail of the desk pop out more. Good work though! I like the style of this.

Hi! Thanks for the tip. I also spotted some other things while going through it again (like missing the floor lines - so repaired those too! :smiley: Upgraded version below

That's a good improvement. As a general rule in any perspective or background drawing, make things lighter as they get farther away, it really helps the feeling of depth. I am still studying the way Marc uses line weights in his perspective examples myself, he does this really well.

Thanks! I'll be more attentive to that with the next project. Again thanks for having a look! Every tip is helpful :blush:

11 days later

Hi, So I feel I need to post something otherwise my motivation will just pull a good old number of hiding for weeks. Not much just some more gesture drawing and... a stone (I know very exciting right?) Cheers!

1 month later

Hi! First, update in a while, but I promise I have been secretly doodling :wink:
I have finally found the courage to do my first full figure drawing from 1 term - this is my first figure drawing ever so I would really appreciate some constructive feedback. I am mostly worried about the head position - I was trying to find the most natural one but somehow it still looks weird - I can't pinpoint what is wrong
Thak you gang!