I have a few pages of research which includes all the bones and skulls. but I was really interested in the texture of meat especially steak ( I Know it sounds super weird) but i think armour would look interesting if it had meat marbling texture.

12 days later

1 month later

Been pretty busy sorry for the lack of stuff, just realised theres 8 days left so I'm going to try and get as much done as possible!

I finished some variations of the chosen ideation, just because there was aspects of the other ideations which I thought were interesting so I wanted to explore and see if some items would work.

This is the process of the character sheet. The meat cleaver scythe weapon went through a lot of changes, I didn't like the shape. My intended purpose ( for the metal pig head ) was to be used as a blunt smashing element, but It just looked awkward attached to the blade.

I gave her scarification tattoos ( since there white) which just adds more character elements to her. The tattoos I drew up in illustrator then just applied the vectors to her skin with a colour dodge layer. There are little hidden references to Australian culture ( pork on your fork) and Diablo's Butcher ( Ah fresh Meat).

I know there isn't a lot of time left but I'm going to try and knock this out!

I love the green, but probably doesn't go with the name, lol

Yeah same, but I agree doesn't really fit in with the theme haha

Hey guys ,

Trying to finish the illustrations before the deadline this is what i have so far.

So I drew up 3 different compositions, decided to go with the one where she's kneeling, because I think it's better framed than the other two.

And heres some development, i sketch some details so that I have a rough idea of what elements I'll have in the fore ground and background. I was thinking it would be interesting to have her kneeling on top of a cage, with other cages suspended in the background.

Hey guys,

Heres some more process, running out of time but I think I'll finish just in time! ( thank you for the extension! ) I'm not the best with colour. I prefer to work in black and white because I feel that I have a better sense of value. I always find it tough converting a black and white illustration to colour ( the values usually change and become muddy) , usually I either get the colour right on the first go or it takes ages for me to find the solution.


Personal Details
Name: Anthony Russo
Email: anthonyrussodesign@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/anthonyrussodesign
Instagram: www.instagram.com/anthonyrussodesign/
Drawcrowd: drawcrowd.com/anthonyrussodesign
Deviant Art: http://evilbarfy.deviantart.com/

Team Fantasy!
Name: Butchess the Demon of Meats

Character Sheet

Final Illustration