Name: Victor Sanchez*
User Name: SleepSheep
Behance: @ArystorHouse
Facebook: @ArystorHouse
Theme: Fantasy

I intend to focus on a character with flashy colors and shapes, the way a good character should be. I am choosing fantasy because of the beauty plants and animals this theme can have. How about starting with some pretty basic concepts? Some shapes should be ok for now.

I really want to know what you guys think! Any comments, suggestions or criticism are welcome!

It's a nice start. Looking forward to seeing the finished illustrations.

Pretty cool armor design, hopefully in the next update we'll get more informations about her abilities and race. :smile:

Let's continue where we left off! It seems that the vast majority of people I talked to preferred the last option. So without wasting more time, here are some references of inspiration and humor.

That's it! Now that I've organized my thoughts, I can focus better on the character .
Nome: unknown
Título: Guardian of The Night Forest
Age: unknown
height: 1,91 meters (Taller than an average man)
Weight: 32Kg (Yes, she is very light)

Nice sketches. I like the earthy and nature based designs.

A few words she would say:

-I feel what the forest feels.
-The exchange must be fair and the balance must be maintained.
-The forest beings battle, it will not be me who will watch my place fall without fighting.
-Do not give me that talk of progress and technology. All beings like you do is bring destruction and disharmony.

PS: Sorry about the bad english sometimes... I haven't had many opportunities to practice.

great work dude!
the headdress looks like it could fall off pretty easy though, just a little tip :wink:
Do what you want with it, it's looking great!

I think it's pretty good, though I wouldn't say it's finished. The eyes and hair need their highlights to help pop the rest of the piece together. It's odd, because separately I like both the coloring on the body and outfit, the flatness and linear aspect of the outfit and relatively realistic shading on the body. It's just idk, I think something more needs to happen, but I can't really say. Also, I'd say the shading on the face should be simplified, but that might not be fair to say as I don't think the face/hair is done yet. Still, probly better than what I can do with color. And overall, It's good.

This is really cool. Cant wait to see the final result.

Beautiful :smiley: I really like the colors!

Thanks so much about the feedback. Yes it's a little strange right now that you mentioned it. But this post is not the final art of the character. I'm gonna polish more this model.

It looks really nice, but there is a joint missing in her leg. She should have two "knees," one that bends forward (like ours) and one that bends backward (like a horse's). Hoofed feet would never really work without it:)

Very elegant design and colors! I like the ornaments at the tip of the staff - I'd maybe try to give the staff a stronger global shape?
great work :smile: