Name - Alexander Hoedl
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Hello, first of all, thank you very much for the contest and the opportunity!

I'm going to use this contest mostly to kick my butt and finally start building a portfolio. I've been slacking off way too long.
So this will be the first project/piece I will (hopefully) put in my portfolio.

I hope it doesnt matter that i currently don't have any pieces on my websites.
Well here we go!

My Hero is called Kasper (The name- Kasper is in germany some sort of clown/jester-puppet )
I'm going to make him a robot, so I'm on the team SCI-FI

Quick story; He is from the distant future and Timetraveled back to the ..well.. still distant future to us but... not so distant anymore.
He is wacky and cool and ... coool.

Ok enough beeing stupid here are the thumbnails/qucksketches I made.

I took the one on the left with the green circle.

When i was creating those thumbnails/sketches I didnt had any "topic" in mind. I was just exploring ideas, I also liked the idea of giving an robot an adidas jacked or making a "zippo head robot". But I liked the jester/clown one the most.

I will post more stuff soon.
Im finished with everything so i thougt I'll stick the 2 images on the first post.

Conceptsheet / Orthographic


Interesting ^^
Can't wait to see where your puppet will go :smile:
Have some fun here !

@ mr_dessin, thank you, I will :smile:

Ok, so here are some rough designs + colors + values

Its definitely going to be a mix of everything.
One thing I'm gonna put in for sure is (number 3) the big ball in the middle of the figure, it makes a nice triangle with the shoulders.

Ok i just finished the conceptsheet or orthographic view! what ever you wanna call it
I had a lot of time this weekend, lets hope its going to be just as smooth with the illustration :smile:

I was trying to focus more on big shapes/elements for this character, not too much detailing.

Ok next up is the illustration, I'm gonna post the thumbnails as soon as i can.

Pretty cool :smile:
A lot of ideas put into the hands !

Maybe the back (pack) need a little more of detailing ?

The only thing I'm not so sure about is the face :confused:
Maybe because it scared me :scream: haha - but maybe that's intended !
Otherwise I prefered the third colour scheme, but just my tastes ^^

19 days later

soooo, just finished (roughly) the values of the character. Next thing I'm gonna focus on is the colors and the background.

Its just gonna be an action illustration

ok, so jumping in to color took me longer than expected. But now im happy with the result!

i need to add more into the background