hey, great progress! One thing I would suggest is about color.
I'm starting to see that you're actually using black to darken areas of your image to improve lighting. I like how you've improved your lighting, but I think you can improve this by not using black (you may not have directly used pure black, but what i mean is - in terms of photoshop rgb colors, that the darkened areas of your painting are becoming "hueless", or the value is too dark or light).
I don't know if you've ever heard of this, but black and white technically don't exist to the human eye, because color is affected by EVERYTHING. for example if you bring out a "white" table outside during daylight, it won't be "white" but will have a blue-ish cool tint because the sky fill light will bounce into the "white" table, where as it will be more yellowish when placed in your room under a yellow lightsource.
If you have the time, try to get your hands on "Color and Light: A Guide for the Realist Painter" by James Gurney, it will explain the theory behind color, you can also find what I mean by looking at old painters.
Anyhow, since the setting for your character is outdoors where nature will determine the color, etc, it'll be easier to fix, there are plenty of color outdoors
Also you can try walking outside and try to find "black" and "white", you'll realize they only appear black or white!

I've done a quick paintover to try to show you what i meant, hopefully this isnt too terrible haha anyways good job!! definitely check out james gurney's book if you can!!!