Hello there! Im totaly new here, but i wanna try my best!
Here some pencil scetches, i always starting from my pencils!

This is my thoughts:
My Elf is Drow, dark elf, but kinga modern, he will be mix of Japan samurai with some african things like hair, piercings, may be necklaces and bracelets...
He must have swords, all drow is warriors for life and love melee combat, cuz they live in caves. But some small guns mut be on him too, like 2 or 4 pistols.

And he must wear some kinda futuristic armor like batman's one i think.

Lets start:

Here it is, almost done this scetch. After this ill scan it and will start with "digital" lineart where ill make some changes.

Here is final:

This is all HB 0.5 pencil...
And i started with lineart, as you can see i changed his head size, i thought it was a lil bit big...
Thats it on today, ill update this topic then i done more.

I hope you like it, sorry for my english. ^^

Your character is very detailed! I also love the idea of using an elf and mixing Japanese and African culture. Very nice! ;D

However, I saw on the FAQ that mixing genres (Sci-fi and Fantasy) is not really allowed. I'm not 100% sure though. :>

I know that your warrior is of Sci-fi, but an Elf and samurai clothing is more geared towards Fantasy.

You don't have to follow what I say, though. I don't have as much experience with art compared to yours, especially with the amazing details you put into your artwork. It is really amazing! :0

I wish you good luck with your work! I can't wait to see how your design progresses. ^-^
And your English is excellent, don't worry about it! c:

Thx for your reply i really really appreciate it!
Yes, im VERY LAAAAaazy... I finished this lineart today, now ill start to think what details i can add, or i must change... First i chose some pattern for his "skin suit"

I hope ill find time to add some more african items... Before ill start to think about colors. :smiley:


Ok i think i dont need more small items on him, here i even didnt try to add 2 xtra pistols (i thought about concealed carry holsters under his armpits)

But, its time to think about colors... His armor definitely will be dark, so lets just fill it, and look to his samurai jacket color variations...