Name: Daria Kostento
My social page with all works and sketches:
twitter: @dvogel_13
Facebook: @hel.schwarzer
Hello everyone!
At the beginning of 2017 I decided to try myself in CG. So I've started by taking part in the Art War challenge, so lets just jump straight in!
In this epic WAR I chose a sci-fi side. Let me tell you the story of my character. My character was born in the indefinite timeline where the mankind starts to colonize planets beyond their star system. You will say, its our future, but are you sure about it? I will let you decide!
For the colonization of the planets, a new generation AI was created. It is superior to any organic species or any AI ever existed before. It consists of nano-machines as organics consists of cells. That way, just like humans can regenerate their blood, it can create new nano-bots from recycled broken ones and external resources by itself, so it don't rely on the maintenance crews. In order to adapt to any environment, it was given an ability to transform and to self educate. This was absolutely necessary, as the original purpose for the robot was to terraform planets and help the settlers in their everyday lives.
As the field tests begun, we could see that engineers achieved their goal, and made something truly unbelievable.
After it's creation, a time of rise and prosperity came for the human kind. Many colonies were formed. Many scientific discoveries were made. The influence of humans spread across the universe. But with rise, comes the fall. It took time, thousands or millions of years, nobody knows now. People degraded. The empires fell. Once a great civilization which spread across the whole universe became a group of separated tribes. As well as everything else, people lost the knowledge of the robot. Now, nobody knows, where he came from, or what he is. What was built millions of years ago to serve humans, was now seen as a god. People would live and die with his name on their lips. He called himself the Architect. Is his name ironical or sorrowful?
How was born this conception of AI creature? I have been thinking for a few days about the perfect creature that can exists in our realistic humans' world. It definitely cannot be an organic because of lower physical attributes than machines have. So I tried to imagine a godlike futuristic mechanism and to explain why it should be exist, for what purpose it could be created.
The Architech cannot be imaged entirely 'cause he is a complex of nano-bots that can be for hundreds kilometers from each other. In that way he doesn't look like a single character but collective consciousness thing. However, he can use some kind of body to play the God role and to make people comfortable to communicate with him. I think he's 'body' could be looked like an animal or anthropomorphic colossal creature like the ancient gods from our civilization.
Here is the first sketch of my character's looks. I'm gonna to choose the best and continue to work on it. What do you think about them?)
Feb 3, '17
last reply
Mar 1, '17