it has a delicate and very classical vibe , such a good work

8 days later

Nice work !
What's your plan with the background ? I'm curious :smile:

@rgdraw Thanks!
Actually, I'm out of ideas for the background. Currently thinking something about a setting sun / battlefield, but I'm open to any suggestions.

You're welcome :smile:
what you said can work for the background, that's what i imagined when I looked at your piece, or maybe you can go for the classic, top of the cliff at the sunset, can be nice too :smile:

Yeah can't wait for the color ! :smiley:

8 days later

So I fell terribly ill and thus have had not much time to work on this. Still feeling a bit feverish, but I hope I can finish this in time. Still have to do highlighting, armour and finished the shadowing.

Glad we got you back! hope you're better now :smile:

Nice progress, and glad you're fine ! :smile:

Looking good! The colours are a bit soft right now, which is fine if that's what your going for, but don't be afraid to punch in some deeper shadows too!

@rgdraw Thanks!
@tiia I will be doing a second pass on light and shadows after I have done the background. Have to keep that in mind until then :smile:
Progress for the day: added some more armour shininess, some mud onto the boots and the detailing for the tabards.
Next I will start working on a somesort of a background.

It's simple but it works nicely, I like the colors, really good :smile:
Try to polish it a bit more and it'll be great

I like this a lot, there is something throwing me off a bit though. The bottom of her hair. It took me a sec to realize it was her hair, not cloth. It wouldn't all sweep to the same place over to the right like that, unless it had been cut on an angle. the bottom part of the hair should end sooner than the top part of it. Maybe try shortening it and chunking/whisping it up a bit? Hair doesn't usually stay as thick at the bottom as it is at the top. I hope this makes sense! lol.
I love the detail on the 'skirt'!
This is a super crappy sketch, but maybe it'll explain what I mean better:

Congrats you made it ! :smiley:
Nice work :smile: