So I dont usually start with a design per se If I have a vivid image of final composition for an image. I usually can come to base color stage where I can see how characters interact with each other and see what they actually will need from designing standpoint. Function determines design. Also I like the simplicity in terms of character design so its not a big deal for me to do it later on in the process of creating an illustration.
I start with super 1 minute roughs that look like insane's scibbles but they give me a fst emotional feedback. Emotion first.
Then I create a more in depth version of sketch which looks a bit more proper . Placing mannequins.
Drawing first basic design. As I said, I love simplicity , so I don't really worry about the fact that it might change later on, even composition is not set in stone. Its just for me, to get general feeling of the characters, their roles and interactions. I suffer a lot from this approach, but for personal pieces it is, for now at least, is how I roll. Iterations only make it better.
Then I lay down basic colors. Was not sure if I should place them in the ruins or the old forest. Rolled with the forest for now. Will see if it works or not.
BTW , I have questions regarding guidelines. First, I streamed the whole process up to this momet on Twitch. Is it allowed or not? Second. Am I fitting in terms of canvas and character full body depiction rules? I read it has to be like 80 percent