Are those guys a reference to Pikachu? Grabs magnifying glass If they are that would make this my absolute favorite peice at the moment.
Whether or not it’s intentional, I now feel prompted to ask if Dr. cerebro was in anyway inspired by Pokémon diamond and Pearl’s Cyrus.

Dope! What else?
Smart use of 1st/2nd/3rd gen to put all your thumbnails.
That's a very freudian illustration, i like it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Cheers and happy holidays.

Here I was too mesmerized by the little pikachu guys to notice that. Innocent you are not :smirk:

WOW so cool idea and composition!

so fast! :open_mouth: amazing! we will talk about this soon. :3 i have so much to say!

Oh I just realize this now...things on Yunus reed head is cables and implants to control the robot, right ?
Thought it was his hair before ^^ (silly me haha)
I really deeply enjoy how you did your reference character sheet too !!!

Little question...Is he blind or something ? (really like your character painting)
And good vacations/holidays @tck !

Love it! such a neat backstory! Characters like him are always the ones I find the most interesting. : p

This is really awesome! The composition really helps guide the eye, and builds the story, while adding mystery to it all.

wooow such a cool idea and your design is so clear ! Awsome man Ilustration looks gorgeus and I feel a bit envy but at the same time motivated to works harder. Really god job <3

haha yup, i figured he'd use something to amplify his cyberpathy. And tbh some sort of eye defect could make sense since peoples other senses are heightened when they lose another, the basis if the idea that he becomes able to communicate with machines when he can't do so with humans

but back to the actual question, I basically wanted to make him look a obviously 'different' difficult to clearly read the emotion of as that would lend some realism to the fact he was shunned by his fellow man.

Really loved seeing your progress on this. Fantastic piece. You make me wanna work harder to improve WHO NEEDS SLEEP?!

Amazing as always! Congrats! and loving the pikachu-looking workers :joy:

11 days later

Awessome compo, very much diferent from last year's entry.
good luck this time to. ^^