Final Submission(the submit button didn't show up) : An agent from the war-torn future sent back in time to push humanity to conflict and military innovation, in order to prepare them for the war that they cannot lose.

Nicolas Sitbon
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(Final goes here)

Hey everyone, here's the story:

Earth is losing. Technologically outmatched by their opponent, the vanishing of the civilization is only a question of time. Battle AIs, able to throw millions of solutions to complex problems, started to retreat, one by one, in silence. Every defeat was a new parameter that plunged a little deeper the AIs in static logic loops. When humans thought these minds had uttered their last option, one broke the silence : reassign all the resources to develop a time technology just good enough to send a single agent, the Krypteia, back in time. His job throughout history, would be to discretely push, via political or environmental lever, human tribes, nations or whole empire to war and as consequence, military innovations. His means of action would retroactively evolve as humanity developed better technology.
Here, the Krypteia is portrayed during the Russian Empire. It's supposed to blend in the court, killing the right Tsar or leader at the right time to provoke conflict, destroy crops to kill off the sick and weaker, or incite an uprising. As to accomplish his tasks without leaving any trace, anything he touches or touches him, turns to ash.

In terms of design, it's supposed to look like part of the higher society, the court, or the church, Alot of those shapes are taken from the Napoleonic Wars russian military suit. The colors will be green, gold and white

Wow! This is going to be so amazing!
I love the first mask!
Great work already, welcome to the contest! :smiley:

@mr_dessin @rgdraw thanks for the feedback guys ! I'd like to make his head purely decorative, but it's hard to do it without losing some personality.

These are some base concept sculpt, gonna sketch over them. Still with the triangle basic shape, keep in mind the face is actually made of porcelain or gold, there's no organic material

Really cool story, I'd like to read a book based about it :smile:
Also hard to put it all into one character. Is he really a villain or a hero in the end?
I liked the triangle heads. You feared it won't show his personality, but in my opinion it;s what he needs - an anonymous, shapeshifting look. It'll give him some ruthlessness

You're welcome! :smiley:
I felt like that having a geometrical "face" add much more personality than a human face
But I also really like the second one from the new ones you made!
Really nice dude! :smile:

@rgdraw @seekula Thanks for the feedback ! you're right there still might be something to do with the geometric face. did some exploration with the mask, but that gave me some solution for the geometric version, still post those in case of, but imma go back and push some more on the pyramid shape

Glad that helped you :smile:
Really nice work anyway on these! They might serve for another project of yours, they're really cool

I LOVE the shapes in E and C, they really stand out! :smile: All of these look great though!

@rgdraw @veesketch @Ana56M Thanks for your feedback, so the C it shall be. I tried some variations by taking off the face mask, like seekula said, to get this threatening feeling of an anonymous faceless agent. Still gotta test those in 3d to make sure that they actually hold any value

those geometric heads weren't easy to figure out in 3D, i'm probably gonna go with the second option. Also another part of the concept is the arm, as it's the part that suggest its superpower of turning things to ash