You're welcome! :smiley:
I felt like that having a geometrical "face" add much more personality than a human face
But I also really like the second one from the new ones you made!
Really nice dude! :smile:

@rgdraw @seekula Thanks for the feedback ! you're right there still might be something to do with the geometric face. did some exploration with the mask, but that gave me some solution for the geometric version, still post those in case of, but imma go back and push some more on the pyramid shape

Glad that helped you :smile:
Really nice work anyway on these! They might serve for another project of yours, they're really cool

I LOVE the shapes in E and C, they really stand out! :smile: All of these look great though!

@rgdraw @veesketch @Ana56M Thanks for your feedback, so the C it shall be. I tried some variations by taking off the face mask, like seekula said, to get this threatening feeling of an anonymous faceless agent. Still gotta test those in 3d to make sure that they actually hold any value

those geometric heads weren't easy to figure out in 3D, i'm probably gonna go with the second option. Also another part of the concept is the arm, as it's the part that suggest its superpower of turning things to ash

Great work! I love the C arm ! But if you want to go for a more organic one D or G are great!

This is so awesome!
I love the new helmet, so great!
Amazing work so far dude! :smiley:

17 days later

Here's the character sheets yet to be composed, thanks to the deadline extension i might be able to finish it in time

Thank you guys, here's the comp for the final picture, hope to be able to finish it in time. The story is : the Krypteia is simply killing a tsar in the middle of a reception, turning him to ashes in front of everyone. I'm probably gonna go with the C but i'm not sure if i should put the swordsman or the rifleman ?

Wow! It's starting to look really amazing! :smiley:
I love the colors!

great work!
good luck ^^

15 days later

Just wanted to post a little update because the pose really bugged me

Awesome design, the ceremonial vibes give it a lot of character!
The only thing bugging me personally is that the legs and less visible arms of your character and the victim in the illustration line up and it takes a second to 'get' the scene. But the colors and focal point work really well :smiley: Good luck with the judges!