My contest piece will depict an aggressive and malicious villain, leading an army into an all-important battle, which could end the ongoing war against humanity once and for all.

Edit: Here is my final illustration for this challenge.

Julian Hellwig

Thanks to everyone involved and participating. It was great fun!

Hey people! Thanks for checking this out!!

After being indecisive and unsure about my first idea I now went with another one (the one you can read above). I went straight into panic mode yesterday after giving myself this "brief" but today I was able to get some thumbnails for the piece out, which is a relief. :sunny:

Hope I'm able to see this thing through. My villain will be some sort of human/locust type creature commanding swarms of locusts to destroy his enemies - wish me luck xD

I went with 2.1 and will try to push things further today! I initially wanted to look up at this guy but couldn't make it work as well as him coming towards us. He being in the air is what makes it possible I think ..right? Is this working? .... :smiley: