Hey people! Thanks for checking this out!!

After being indecisive and unsure about my first idea I now went with another one (the one you can read above). I went straight into panic mode yesterday after giving myself this "brief" but today I was able to get some thumbnails for the piece out, which is a relief. :sunny:

Hope I'm able to see this thing through. My villain will be some sort of human/locust type creature commanding swarms of locusts to destroy his enemies - wish me luck xD

I went with 2.1 and will try to push things further today! I initially wanted to look up at this guy but couldn't make it work as well as him coming towards us. He being in the air is what makes it possible I think ..right? Is this working? .... :smiley:

Looking great!!

@Shia Thanks!! :))

Here's a little update! Just rendering from here on Iguess. Not using much reference and in fact trying to paint mostly from what I know at this point but here's my little ref board! 3 days to go - things will probably get stressful ;D

Ideawise I also plan to make his eyes as well as the locusts eyes glow in some sort of way (maybe green color) to make it clear that his power is controlling these guys. Any ideas on how to not make this look too cliché? :DF

So here we go - my illustration is done, wohoo! Or in better words, I got a train to catch in 2 hours :smiley: Hope you like the outcome! I have struggled a lot with the design and the painting part but also learned an incredible amount. Hope the work shows and if you want to give any kind of critique, feel free to do so, I'd be glad to hear it!

To sum up the illustration in words, it is depicting "Lorthus, Leader of the Invasion" in a full on war against humanity. Mind controlling his flesh eating locust army, they can tear through villages in mere minutes.

Pretty straight forward. Your typical villain ;D
Best of luck to all of you with completing your pieces. I'll be around on the forum and looking forward to seeing them!


Julian Hellwig

[edit: I resized the images to a more appropriate size]

16 days later

Man i must say... I simply love the minute details. It clearly shows the amount of love and care you put into your work.
I wish you all the luck dude!

12 days later

Very late on this one...your rendering is really superb with the ligths !
I don't particulary have a critique to say...maybe it lacks on more (closer) locusts here and there (but I guess it was because of lack of time, simply ?).

Best of luck !!!