Work on my submission continued during the Christmas week as much as possible, although lack of access to a scanner meant no updates.
I was still indecisive about the villain concept so I decided to make more refined sketches of the different concepts. I was away from my own computer, so I sketched with a pencil. These sketches are for the pyrokinetic and the necromancer. Both are bit more "modern" conceptually, although the pyrokinetic is closer to sci-fi.
These sketches are for the brute and the assassin. These are more fantasy in style.
After the more detailed sketches, I decided to leave out the pyrokinetic and focus on developing the backstories and details for the brute, the necromancer and the assassin. After some thought, I decided that the brute would be the least interesting of the three. Eventually after building the concepts further I decided I would use the assassin, Sabah, as my villain. I already did some quick sketches for his main weapon, but I will put up more sketches now that I'm back home and have access to my computer.