Part 2. Final choices.
A brutal mechanized armor set increasing strength. Small arms chemical weapon based. Special move: poison or chemical self destruct of some sort., must flee after use. Mass produces small arm weapons using same substance.
A telekinetic evil mastermind. Special move: force field, or maybe bullet reverse. Can levitate. Genocidal. Smells of death.
An evil genius manipulator. Has small army. Can camouflage. Special move: suit can chameleon any average sized person for short period of time.
Really want to give hero a chance to fight this guy from any era so I'm leaning towards the middle. Heroes' really want to stop this guy the most i would think. Very Very bad man.
@sanguine @MODOF Thanks! Glad to hear it!
@mr_dessin Well I think I'm going with creepy. It was hard to choose.
Part 4. Developement.
Developement might have a couple more entries until I start to design the illustration.
The more I spend time with this character the more I creep myself out. The main thing I'm taking into consideration is staying away from just slapping a skull mask on him and calling it a day. And keeping with a design that will look good (scary) enough to have the 'wow' factor in an illustration and be interesting in theory.
I like the idea that the heads he adorns are other telekinetics that he defeated and keeps them un-dead. Haven't thought about how yet. I guess telekinesis would be the toss up answer to everything. His hair is wrapped around them maybe that's how he's connected to them power wise. But they are attached to his armor so as not to fall and will show that in turn around drawing.
One cool thing I thought was when he activates them the eyes and mouths open and the hair floats a little bit and he's using their power along with his own making him extra devastating.
He's skinny because his brain uses so much energy and takes up calories.
The challenge is to make this guys face terrifying since he doesn't have a mask and somewhat 'mad' otherwise he wouldn't be genocidal. Maybe I'll make him an armor helmet of some kind. Thinking in comic book reference he might work for someone like Thanos who's more powerful because they would let him do what he wanted. Chaotic evil.
oof. life does tend to get in the way. i feel that. also, this stuff looks great. from that lineup, i would have picked the same ones you did haha. i also cant choose between the bottom row. haha. if you choose the green one, desaturate the red accents. youd probably end up with a deep muted orange for it to not look like christmas.
good choice with the flags as well. the flagstaff can be bones and stuff, and the flag can be human leather with like, a face on one part and a nipple on the other. very cool. im glad to know that senpan kai isnt dead. keep it up, man!
Nice, love the hair with the heads pauldrons, you are headed down a pretty strong path with that. As far as making him look evil, sometimes a face can just look super evil by association (the disembodied heads help out with that) So I am thinking like Anthony Hopkins, since he played Hannibal he has always just seemed super creepy no matter what.
Like that somewhat crazy expression, just a bit happy. Good stuff!
11 days later
Wellllll... getting to that place where everyone else stuff looks cool and you hate your own. But that's okay we've all been there before.
Here are some updates Im trying to figure out.
I've ditched the wings for war flags. The wings idea was cool and biblically terrifying in shape language but that was a real bitch to fit into a decent illustration style like the pieces that placed in the past two competitions. Besides he could use flags material to make shapes and stuff as a telepath
I noticed that the finalists who didn't quite make it to the winner circle in the past two years had lots of dead space in their illustrations that may have hindered their points. Or didn't show the entire body. So I'm trying to incorporate that into my illo. No dead space, and full body.
That was one problem i ran into, the second was using the power as required by the brief. So I think I'm going to go with the bottom one that is sketched out. Where he is using his special to bullet stop a bunch of arrows and other ballistics. Its not the coolest but I't simple. and I think I can paint that by the deadline.
The other idea where he was selfishly bulletstopping arrows infront of himself but his ally's were getting hit was confusing and I didn't work out the pose I had just started painting to get a feeling to see if I liked the thumbnail and it was a no.