Akachi is a young adult who's been granted the power/ability to manifest impenetrable hard light projections anywhere. These hard light projections can be used as shields, weapons, armor, and even flying devices. There is no limit to what he can create and how he can use the hard light projections.
Being that he is the newest member of the X team along with his extraordinary abilities, he tends to not really care about what's going on around him. Having trained himself to reflexively project hard light in order to intercept any harm headed his way he is not only incredibly formidable but, an incredible offensive and defensive hero.
Although, he falters, in that he hasn't trained his body enough for hand to hand combat. So he can get exhausted in physical combat. Because of this he tends to take a step back and use projectiles when fighting.
Despite his aloof mentality when it comes to combat, Akachi has the potential to be the most powerful superhero the world has ever seen.

Just photobashed an idea I had in mind for quite some time.

Gonna play with his coat, hair, and accessories too once I block this out!

An update:

Blocked out a few things here and there just to get a feel for this guy, so definitely going to add a lot of accessories to him and decals too, maybe through textures but I'll probably model them first. Gonna get started on the face tomorrow too, I think I'll finalize the face first since I've gathered a good amount of reference for it.

Another small update, I really like his proportions now, definitely gonna play around with giving him an under shirt or some kind of under armor but for the time being, gonna go ahead and start getting the high poly done.

17 days later

I've finally finished my classes, hopefully I have enough time to finish this guy

I did the jacket today in marvelous designer, gonna work on the pants before bringing them into zbrush along with working on everything else; shoes, belt, him

Slowly but surely haha, let's see if I finish in time