First off I will show you my references, I want to go for a baroque inspired Setting. I would say I aim for a dark Alice vibe. I really like a mixture out of creepy and cute, so I am excited if I can combine both.

I drew a concept based on this for the past couple of days and came up with this:

To really get her personality right I expanded her background story.

Greta was born into a wealthy household. Her mum died when giving birth to her which led to her dad holding a grudge against Greta. When she would grow older nothing she did was right. Her dad started abandoning her, either he would shout at her for not being good enough or straight up ignoring her. Greta became a very sad and lonely child. Her frustration and despair attracted an old ancient being. A blood demon tried to form a pact with her. She would gain his power and he would join her in her body. When the pact was formed the anger in her head overthrew her whole body and Greta used her new powers to brutally kill her father. Shocked by her actions she tried to fight the demon within her, but it was too late. The demon took control of her mind and body, pushing back everything she was before. Now the demon takes her body to establish his power on earth, if Greta is still somewhere in there remains unknown.

9 days later

You didn't include a link to a portfolio or place where you post imgs of past work so i know your level but i figured a google link post for at least a quick head guy will help you out some.

Do not know what program that is so i had to use ^ this, i did the search on youtube but used lmgtfy.

Can see your idea based on your references which are pretty cool and work well, hope you are still working on this, seems do-able.

I am quite new to character sculpting and do not have that many work to show most of them are on my twitter though, you can find me there as Syranja :smile: I was just blockin out things real quick to get a feeling for my anatomy. Still working on it and will define details! And yeah thanks for the help heads are always a lot of work :D!

18 days later

8 days later

Looking much better, dress looks nice, if you decided to not continue for the contest, i would continue to noodle with this from time to time.

Thanks a lot! Really pushed myself in this and learned a lot :smile: