Hi everyone! Nice to meet you
I'm really excited since this is the first time I'm partecipating to a 3D contest!
For this Artwar I decided to go with a scifi/steampunk ninjagirl and her dog companion. I spent the last 2 and half hours looking for references and inspirations and that's what I collected so far:
She is blind and the sci-fi helmet will cover part of her face, from the hairs till the eyes I think. The right arm will be mechanical and some parts of the guide dog aswell. She wears a classical black bomber as jacket and under that a ruined shirt. Short pants, fishnet stockings and boots. For the weapon I would like to go with a katana, but I'm thinking about adding some additional weapons she carries with her. The name will be "Maybe" because I wasn't sure to partecipate till now and I saved all the references in a folder called Maybe, then I thougt it was a cool name for the character itself!
I know is a simple concept but I like it! I hope you guys can gimme good advices to complete this task! CC's are always welcome!
Good luck for the challenge everyone!
Jan 5, '17
last reply
Feb 2, '17