I've chosen to create an Earth Elemental for my champion. It's a Tree Ent that will be depicted battling a lightning monster.
These are the thumbnails I made when figuring out the design for my earth elemental
This is the sketch of my Tree Ent with linework and some values, I did this right on top of the silhouette
This is the final concept design for my Tree Ent but I am not 100% happy with it and am going to change a few things in the final illustration
These are the designs I did for the lightning monster, these went a lot quicker because I didn't bother with linework I just did silhouettes and then found the forms right on top of them
Then I started working on my final illustration, I began by doing a bunch of comp thumbnails once I had a comp I liked I started fleshing out the silhouette
After I had a comp I liked fleshed out I put four of them on the same canvas and did some color comps, this is as far as I've gotten now. I'm planning on going with the top left color comp.

Jan 19, '20
last reply
Feb 7, '20