I love the first! This is gonna be great

Thank you!
I'm glad you like the pose. Because I don't have a lot of time left so I shortened the pose experiment process a lot. Hopefully this will go well.

A quick update on what I have so far. Only 3 days left till the deadline and I'm a bit panicking right now. I'm juggling between my job and this. I just hope I can finish this in-time. I just want to learn from everyone in this event. Please tell me what you think about this so far. It's still not a final but I think I can use some critiques. Thank you!

The main problem is that she's not fitting the brief of "attacking or defending" in fact she's showing friendliness and generosity offering that blueberry haha but image wise I think it's really cute, the leaf wings are nice

My idea is she's acting friendly to lure people to her trap. Do I need to make her look more evil to get the idea across?

Well the brief mentioned specifically they have to look like they're attacking or defending. It's called "Art War" after all xD Honestly I wouldn't have gathered she was trapping the viewer, she looks very friendly, and there's nothing to indicate in the image it's a trap either

Maybe as an idea, instead of plants in the background you could have a plant looking beast thing that's hiding there? It would help convey the idea across but personally I don't know how obvious it has to be to pass

That's a good idea. It's too late at this point to change her entire design now :((

I'm not saying change her entire design, maybe just adding something around her would give her a better sense of danger?

Here's the final version.
I had a week to finish this and I can only work on it a few hours a day. But at least I finished it and it's probably the biggest achievement for me. I've known about Art War for a long time but I'm always too shy to participate. But this year I've made a commitment to share my works more. Too bad that I didn't realize Art War has started until the last week of it.
Due to lack of time (and also I'm slow), I skipped e few steps I would usually do like making a few black and white sketches before I start the final piece. The result is my idea didn't come across in the painting. Thanks to the friends on the Cube Brush forum, I changed some details at the last minute.
A little bit about my idea: Flower Demons are pretty creatures living in the woods. They are mischievous and like to play pranks on whoever dares to come to the woods. But more than that, they can be deadly. They may seem cute but they will lure you to their trap and turn you to fertilizer. So...would you like a blueberry?

This looks awesome! I'm glad you took time to work on it and finish it in the end. You should definitely be proud, it shows in your work! Best of luck for the contest :smiley:

Thank you so much for your advice. I hope she looks more dangerous now

awesome job. it looks amazing ^^