Hi, my name is Rafal Doobsz and I am currently working as a Level Designer in indie game studio, but I aspire to be character artist one day. You can find some of work here - www.artstation.com/doboszrafal
Entering this contest is a challenge for me itself. I struggle with making new character, because I am anxious and thinking I will never create a good one.... So with te new year I would love to break that barrier, don't build a pressure for myself and just have fun. Have pure fun while creating/sculpting something. Also I would love to learn to be proficient in Zbrush, because I haven't used it for a while due to my work and other project after that.
I don't know if my entry is going to be good, but main goal is to finish it.
I know it's a bit late for entering, but I'll do my best to finish in time and post every major progress. I hope some of you will help me with that - Thanks in advance
So, I am big fan of Avatar series if it comes to elements, therefore I am planing to create earth bender in mixed western knight and eastern warrior elements. I want to keep the project stylized and sculpt very slim character with big hands and feet, and maybe small head.
In case of my character itself , I have some background in mind:
Toribko is one of the soldiers of the Earth Nation. His passion to protect everyone has led him to the very frontier of the land where he can be the first shield for his people.
And this is my ref file:
Thanks for opportunity to embrace my fear and enchance my skills.
Good Luck Everyone!
P. S. You can also find me on:
Instagram - www.instagram.com/rafaldobosz
Twitter - www.twitter.com/doboszrafal
Facebook - www.facebook.com/doboszrafal
E-mail - doboszrafal@gmail.com
Final entry:
Jan 20, '20
last reply
Feb 10, '20