I've got the idea to use rumba dress shape and transform it as an armor, but dancer silohuette do not convince me entirely due to slim legs. It seems convey vulnerability and not the strenght i'm looking for.
So i thought that i do not need the idea of an idealized woman to express this feeling: i can express her charm in other way. For this reason my mecha will have a really strong and sturdy shape, like a protective mother.
I'm going to use the big shape on the right: do you like that? I will do the head of the mecha as cocotaxi so my character can get inside and drive it. I think isn't a problem that she could get attacked from the sides... first of all because her main ability could be to use claves as a baseball bat and deflect ALL shots, hehe 💪 maybe this is an excuse, but legit. Then i believe that could give to her a good mix between tropical aestethic and rackless rudimentary, since Cuba is a poor and warm country.
For a moment i was discarding the claves idea, so this is the reason why i didn't draw it in this image: but they need to be present, i found a documentary video that shows how much it is important and fundamental in cuban culture that it seem essential to me.
Having said that, i could have a problem about materials, because this mecha would be so good with wood (tropical, poor country, claves, juego de manì...), but well it would not be so high-tech in a world war... Actually i could source cold war aestetic, using a bit of iron: but this maybe is too much fro my moodboard. Anyway, i will paint every kind of material with pastel colors, very bright like Havana streets, houses and cars.