Well here I am again.
Sorry for not posting.
I actually started working on the final piece. I've been playing Doom recently and I thought, you know what? I'm gonna do the piece to make it look like cover art for some kind of FPS game.
I originally wanted to just have him shown which might have been smart but I'm not smart so I made it more difficult for myself. 
So heres the WIP. Honestly I am not entirely certain if I'm gonna make it in time bu't i'll do my best.
The creatures look like vampires, mostly because they are as I wanted him to be kind of symbolically fighting corruption and basic naked pale vampires are nice, simple and to the point.
I actually had a bunch of thumbnails which I might post later and they all had some variation of this kind of an idea of him fighting some kind of corrupt abominations.
I also wanted to make the vamps look like some of our politicians but I'm allready taking ages to finish this so nah lol.
Wish me luck.