Hello everyone! My name is Benick and I am an artist. I've drawn on and off since I was little, but recently, I've learned that I want to create things. I want to make people feel things and to take them to different worlds, like was done for me.

This is my journey from the start of the Art School, as well as other drawings/paintings I may post. Please feel free to let me know your thoughts and your criticisms. I am really excited to meet everybody.

Hey there, snakker here, a local noob 2 months in, welcome aboard! I will try to offer any critique or advice within my limited knowledge


Nice to meet ya! I only started the class recently and can't wait to take this journey with you! :smile:

Welcome to the group Benick! Enjoy your stay and I hope your journeyt is fruitful!

2 months later

Hey everyone long time no see. I gotta admit, I was slacking in the first couple of months but I've since been trying to pick myself back up. This is as much an art class for me as it is a discipline one.

This is the first perspective assignment where we mess around with perspective and shapes.

Pretty simple. I liked how we can make shapes in perspective by first making squares and cubes. Will need to practice making circles and curves in perspective though.

Nice! Looks so clean and clear
I like your presentation on these


Here is the second perspective assignment where we find the perspective lines and vanishing points in pictures.

A fun exercise trying to find where the lines all meet. It's so interesting seeing how these real life objects fit into the perspective lines so naturally.

The third exercise is to draw a room in the house. I chose to draw my room, though not exactly the same as it is in real life.

First, the lineart:

I then tried adding some color with my limited knowledge of color and shadows and light:

It's a little messy but I do like the way it turned out. The process in making it was fun and it feels like a place that I can put myself in.

It took me a long time to do this assignment, maybe a couple of weeks to a month and a half. I was committing mostly an hour or two every day and I was constantly redrawing lines trying to make sure it looks good. Aside from the illustration techniques, I'll need to work on being faster.

The fourth perspective assignment is to draw a street corner with at least 1 building, 3 max. I drew two:

With color:

Still don't know how to do light and shadows yet but I made an attempt. I like how these ended up. This one didn't take me as long, a couple of weeks. I know I've got a long ways to go but I do enjoy the work I'm doing now.