Glad to see some traditional here. Can you answer these questions for me?

Is it pastel on top of acrylic or the other way around?
It it to be hanged or just a study?
What size is the canvas panel?
What do you like and not like about your project?

8 days later

Hey man! I sure can, hehe :smiley:

It's pastel on top of the acrylic. After the acrylic dried, I've applied some details using the pastel.
At first I didn't want to see it again, lol, but after a while I chose to hang it on the wall. It looks nice. See the picture bellow. :point_down:
The size of the canvas is 37x25.
You know how it is... After we finish the painting, we see a lot of mistakes and things we could have done better. I can't say I don't like it but, I'm not happy with it either. One big problem I have with it, is about the proportions of the face. I'm not happy with that; but I like the mysterious feeling I get from the painting.

I've chosen this picture so you can make an idea about the size of the canvas, compared to other things.

I don't think the proportions of the face are too bad. The nose is may be a bit too long, but it still looks fine overall. Just like you, I enjoy the mysterious atmosphere you have in the painting. :smile:

Maybe a bit more detail to the eyes, hair and cheeks, i like the color choice and lighting :smile:

Hey simgeilgun!
I didn't want the painting to be very detailed but, if you say it needed more details, I'll take that in consideration for the next painting for sure :smile:
I'm glad you like the colors and lighting. That's something I like about the painting too :smiley: