Hey there, welcome aboard!
Keep at those studies!

Couple of pointers from what I see: in figures, I recommend focusing on the big picture first, no details. focus on spotting the proportions as best as you can - if curves are difficult use straight lines at first and definitely keep at those cylinders
On your perspective study, not some of your lines don’t go towards the vanishing points

Keep up the good work


Good to be here!
Thanks for the tips. Breaking things down to simple yet big shapes has been a challenge but has helped a lot, I'll working at that.
I didn't even notice about the the lines being off.

Tried out 2 minute figure drawings today. first time actually timing myself. The idea intimidated me at first but I found it rather fun. like playing through a collapse level of a game where you have to finish it quickly.

Finished the color adjustments assignment. first time with all of those tool. was really cool, though those last two adjustments were killers to get right. Not perfect on the last one and may go back another time to see if I can get it right.

Keep it going!
I would advise that you first focus on understanding the basic shapes to form the body and the proportions BEFORE trying to do the gesture drawing exercises with a timer.

This gesture exercise is mostly gonna train you how to draw quickly and not focus on details, but if you don't have enough practice on the basic of anatomy, then you should leave this exercise for later.

12 days later

Thanks for the advice! What would you say I should look for to guage if I am ready for timed gesture drawing?

Finished the apple assignment the other day. Was a completely new kind of project for me. Had fun learning

Practice with some gesture drawings. Giving myself a bit more time to better understand capturing the motion