Got another random assortment of things to post, I forget where I left off, I feel like am both rushing and taking to long doing the course content which is weird but whatcha gonna do, I can always redo classes and exercises if I don't feel like I've got my head around them properly.
Did a few more animal sketches from reference
Not happy with the pig and the Elephant and the Zebra feel a bit too long in the middle but learning the basic anatomy of animals has definitely improved my ability and confidence in drawing them, wouldn't have known where to start before.
Started Term 6 now, gotten to the mech design video, so I've done a few of the compostion, colour and lighting exercises.
The 3 point light set up exercise
Not had a chance to go apply this to a previous drawing as I haven't done a lot of environment drawings, I tend to just paint them or avoid them entirely, I'll probably go back and do it on the drawings from perspective classes like suggested but I haven't gotten around to it yet.
Did the principles of art thumbnails, I did them portrait but save the file landscape accidentally so the order left to right is: Balance, Repetition, Variety in the top row, Emphasis, Proportions, Movement/Rhythm and Harmony in the bottom
wasn't really sure what to do for the harmony one tbh, ended up just being a repeat of the movement one but it is what it is. probably and exercise its worth returning to for me as I don't think the general principles have quite clicked in my brain properly yet.
Biggest brick wall I hit was the cyberpunk character, which was odd to me because I like that genre but I think I've done one piece that could be considered that ever and it was a couple of years ago now:
Really phoned in the background when I did that one.
So I wasn't really sure where to start, I tried doing a similar process to the character design class initially but realised I needed to get more mechanical and engineering reference photo's first because my visual library for those sort of things is very weak. Once I did that I started again, came up with a few silhouettes:
I was going for a street performer or a musician of some sort, I chose the middle one because I thought it might work but I liked the chest piece on the third so I tried to incorporate it. Came out like this:
Might be able to tell I gave up on this one most of the way through because I HATED it, looks like cobbled together nonsense. I was trying to do WAY to much and it was just coming out busy and shit looking. So I binned it off and kinda cheated. I went with something much simpler and used it as an opportunity to try a technique I saw on youtube for doing anime hair that I thought was interesting:
I pretty much just decided I wanted to do someone in an Evangelion style suit (weirdest ending to a show I think I've ever experienced btw, still have no idea what the hell happened) with like a cyberpunk scorpion tail so I did that, figured I was over thinking it before so I just made something. Very simple, and like I said, it kinda felt like cheating cos I didn't really design a character, I just picked a hook and stuck a random, simple character on it but I did want to try out the candy floss hair thing cos it always looks interesting, video on it is by someone called Kraymer Art on youtube if you're interested, not sure how much use I'll make of it in the future though tbf just always been curious as to how its done and was neat to try out.
Finally this is the free drawing I got distracted by, just some fan art for CR, not done a lot of fan art outside of copying artist I like as means of learning to draw but I really liked the imagery of this character so I wanted to have a crack at it. Came out pretty ok but I think I'd change a few things after watching the compostion video.