Hello, I forgot this was part of the course until I watched one of Marc's video's over Christmas and he mentioned the discord, I went looking in the files and found this link. I've been drawing on and off since high school but have only really started pursuing it properly the last couple of years, I want to get into 2D cartoon animation for tv and movies but after learning the basics, I realised my actual art skills weren't where they needed to be in order to be successful in that goal, which is what lead me to Marc and this course. I've gotten to the anatomy classes in term 4 so far, I won't back post all of it as apparently I can only put 5 images in a post so I'll just stick a few things in, I'll include 1 assignment from each Term I've completed and will try be more diligent going forward.

Gesture Drawings from Term 1: This is one of the few sets of this I did on the PC, I prefer doing it in a sketch book so I won't subject anyone to grainy 360p images

Perspective Assignment, Term 2:

Folds Assignment, Term 3:

Here's a couple of Free Drawing things I did across the first 3 terms, definitely wouldn't have been able to do them half as well before I started the course

Only realised when I was done how the skyline and angle draws your eye away from the character rather than towards, shame but still enjoyed making it

Many thanks if you scrolled through all this, I'll try be better about this side of the course from now as I know how essential constructive feedback is to improving.


Welcome James! Looks cool, can't wait to see your progress!

Welcome to the forums! the 5 image limit is only for the first post of the thread, at least i think it is, i'm pretty sure i posted more than 5 images in a single post. Anyway, looking foward for your future posts!

welcome to the forums! glad to see another future animator here!

Welcome to the forums James! If you haven't already, also recommend taking a look at the companion guide. It has many excercices to complement each course that are bound to help and increase your progress!

10 days later

Thanks for the welcome!
Here's the Term 4 Colour and Light exercises I've done the last couple of weeks.

Cast Shadow cube exercise (I forgot to turn off the Guidelines I drew)

Cast Shadow Shapes Exercise. (I need to redo this one a few times because I didn't do it correctly, especially the sphere. I was trying to do it from memory of what I watched before Christmas but, having re-watched the section, I need to try this again because I didn't do it right.)

Colour Scheme Exercise. (I have been reading a book about storyboarding that made me want to do some basic character drawings around displaying emotions, this one didn't quite come off the way I wanted because its not really displaying any emotion, its just sort of mildly aggressive, but I liked it enough that I shaded, coloured and lit it. I figured I'd use it as the base for this exercise because its not an overly complex character to colour. Fun exercise but I automatically made the complementary colour scheme offset as, for some reason, that part of the class stuck in my head more than the actual colour scheme)

Thanks again to everyone who had a look and replied!

14 days later

Redid the cast shadow thing and followed the instructions properly this time. Don't think I was far off with whatever janky methodology I misremembered but it definitely works better the right way.

I also did a bunch of Line art for hands, I'm sure they look very familiar to anyone who has the same gesture drawing app as me. Left in the construction layer, know it makes it look like a mess but the construction was the thing that mattered with this one I think.