Hello, I hope I'm posting this in the right place, but I started Marc's art school just a day ago! I started drawing in July 2021, and I wanted to get more serious without committing to an art-focused college. I have had an interest in drawing for some time now, but always lacked motivation and also felt like I was already too late to become good at drawing. Now I'm 18, with that feeling still there, but I still want to try my best and now have a lot of motivation to learn to draw. I'm looking forward to feedback and becoming involved in this community throughout my progress.

here's the first assignment I remembered to save.

Hello! Welcome to the community !
your landmarks seem to be all in the right place, the only thing I would recommend is to start trying to reduce as much as possible the number of strokes for each line...
That aside, I hope you keep sharing your progress with us ! :blush:

Don't worry about being too late, anytime is the perfect time (I'm 23 so you are doing better than me)

Welcome to the forums! I am also 18 and started drawing 10-11 months ago so don't worry about being too late. You can catch up to everyone that started earlier with good practice and building a habit along with Marc's course teaching you good ways to go about practicing to improve and learn as much as possible. I hope you enjoy the course. :smile:

Thanks for the warm welcome! I've been very busy lately but managed the 30 minutes of gesture drawing as well as the warm-ups and a second attempt of the proportion chart. Any feedback is much appreciated.

As a side note, I did more practice than these images show besides the proportion chart, but I couldn't fit everything onto one artboard.

Your ribcage circle is too long you have the right shape but it shouldn't be touching the pelvis circle. I would look up a skeleton for reference and try to visualize how the ribcage looks on top of your ref to get a better idea of where it ends. for your 30 second gesture maybe try to keep them to consistent sizes or space them out more because some of these are hard to read whats going on and they start blending in with other poses, but form the once I can make out they read well and if 30 seconds is too short for you to accomplish what you want to do extend the time further I usually do 2 min. but that's because I add mass to the body as well. great practice overall! :smile:

Thanks for the feedback! I'll look into the skeletal structure more. As for The gestures, I think I'm fine getting the general poses in 30s but like you said the sizes were all different. I started off with the poses being very large like one near the center, then realized I'd need too many documents to fit the whole practice and ended up scaling down a bunch of them.

For full figure drawing, I try to draw a line in the waist and in the chest and check if the angles look right, I also would recommend you to try drawing figures using less clothes, as you can find the relationship between the forms more easily

ok I'll try some more stuff out and look for more references, thanks.

Firstly, insane amounts of work here! Great to see. Secondly, in terms of figure drawing, for your full versions (ignore me if this isn't what the exercise was about) Focus on drawing the volumes of the body. Like you've done earlier.

As an artist I think its much more useful to drill in the different volumes of the body e.g. cylinders for arms and legs so you can draw the body from any angle

Thanks! I'm trying my best. I took your advice and I'm trying to do more "skeletons" before drawing the full figure and it's helped a bit with angles. I'll post an update shortly.

Go easy on yourself, these things take time. Try doing gestures like you have been and then trace over your references to see if you are making any repetitive mistakes

ah ok, that's a good tip. I'll give it a try next time I do them.