08.01.23 _______________________________________
Happy new year! Sadly mine started with some medical problems which could be resolved by now. In Dezember I did different things with the help of online tutorials mostly for fun and I also did some of Term 1 Assignments, But I´m still not finished with it. I take my time with the different daily basics. I also started the 30sec. Daily Ref. Sketching. Here are some things I did in 12.2022
These are just some examples I did for fun and as a gif for certain people <3
Anyway I still have motivation to go strong and hope that it will last
30.11.22 _______________________________________
So heres my progress for the November, I just recently started and wanted to share some excersices I did while looking the classes, I´m definitly not through but started to have atleas 1 Hour a day for drawing practise and what so ever :).
28.11.22 _______________________________________
Hey there,
my name is David and I´m from Germany. I learned about the class through the YouTube
Vids, and they were amazing. So, I thought I would go all in and try to improve
with this course. I havent started just yet but I´m planning to do this Weekend and from then on a regular basis.
I´m an actual beginner so I hope this will help along the way. My Goal is it to improve
over the coming years not for business related things, just for personal enjoyment
I only hope to be not overambitious.
I´ll try to keep on it and hope to get a good schedule and post atleas once a Month with newfound progress while looking over other portfolios and journeys!
Well thank you all for sharing your journey <3 and have a great time learning!
Here are some pictures I drew last week just for future reference:
Nov 28, '22
last reply
Nov 28, '22