Hey There Partner!

Looks freakin' amazing! Wish I had half the talent, plus I love this concept. You said you this was based on a recent trip? Where is this based off of? Kinda looks like Africa or Australia :smiley:

That being said (and you don't have to listen to me since im brand new to painting), I am a bit lost on your focal point. Due to contrast, I'd say its the sky right now, but I think you mean for the character to be. If I am mistaken then disregard my reply XD

Anyway, I just did a quick 5 sec paintover of what I think should be the remedy for this

Other than that I think its pretty damn perfect.

Thanks for the critique man! Unfortunately when i tried to save it, it crashed in the middle so its corrupted. I do have the JPEG left that i saved before hand but other than that, I will try fix the contrast a bit more.

Its a recent trip in Scotland, was travelling and exploring a cave, also tried to mix a bit of African culture into it!