So I think this is probably different for everyone and I think i may be changing my schedule but here is what has worked for me so far.
All week I am thinking about my piece for the following week, giving it time to incubate in my head, so when I get to the next saturday I am ready
Saturday = prep day, prep all my instagram posts for the week, prep my references, prep my study materials. Sunday Monday Tuesday Studies only. I do studies based on what my main focus will be on my main piece for the week. If its anatomy heavy, ill do anatomy study etc.
Weds Thurs Friday = Work on piece. I use the studies I have done through the week and directly apply them to the piece Im working on. I focus on having the same process and trying to punch higher each piece.
I don't know if that is helpful or makes any sense, if you want more details just let me know. Thats what works for me. I like doing studies, if I didnt I would change this up a bit. Anyways let me know if you have any questions maybe this is helpful.